Dear Team, I’m using serverless framework to deploy a Lambda in AWS.
Lambda runtime is: python3.9; Lambda use python libraries like: pandas, awswrangler, click
I deploy the lambda in 2 ways:
- Bitbucket pipeline
- serverless deploy command
In both ways I get error: Resource handler returned message: "Unzipped size must be smaller than 262144000 bytes
So I tried with:
- '!.tox/**'
- '!events/**'
- '!git-hook/**'
- '!test/**'
- '!venv3/**'
- '!.coverage'
- '!.coveragerc'
- '!.flake8'
- '!logs.txt'
- '!'
- '!tox.ini'
- serverless-plugin-existing-s3
- serverless-python-requirements
- serverless-step-functions
- serverless-deployment-bucket
defaultRegion: "eu-central-1"
zip: true
And deploy by command line.
In this case, when I run the Lambda on AWS, I get error message: Unable to import module 'serverless_myproject.lambda_handler': Unable to import required dependencies: click|wrangler:
Any suggestion?
Thank you