Consistently Failing Localstack Serverless Spin Up

I am making use of localstack, cloudformation, and serverless-localstack to create a local environment for my team and every time I get to using serverless-localstack as a way to creating and attaching my lambda function to my other localstack resource I keep getting failures in the actual bucket creation for my serverless.yml

I have created and exposed all my outputs via cloudformation for this lambda to hook, I have verified the variables all exist and I believe I have properly configured my serverless.yml except that I consistently fail in utilizing serverless to establish the s3 bucket and correctly attach the event map from my SQS to it.

Below is the terminal output related to me running serverless deploy --stage local

Serverless: Running "serverless" installed locally (in service node_modules)
Serverless: Deprecation warning: Detected ".env" files. Note that Framework now supports loading variables from those files when "useDotenv: true" is set (and that will be the default from next major release)
            More Info:
Serverless: To ensure safe major version upgrades ensure "frameworkVersion" setting in service configuration (recommended setup: "frameworkVersion: ^2.15.0")

Serverless: Load command interactiveCli
Serverless: Load command config
Serverless: Load command config:credentials
Serverless: Load command config:tabcompletion
Serverless: Load command config:tabcompletion:install
Serverless: Load command config:tabcompletion:uninstall
Serverless: Load command create
Serverless: Load command install
Serverless: Load command package
Serverless: Load command deploy
Serverless: Load command deploy:function
Serverless: Load command deploy:list
Serverless: Load command deploy:list:functions
Serverless: Load command invoke
Serverless: Load command invoke:local
Serverless: Load command info
Serverless: Load command logs
Serverless: Load command metrics
Serverless: Load command print
Serverless: Load command remove
Serverless: Load command rollback
Serverless: Load command rollback:function
Serverless: Load command slstats
Serverless: Load command plugin
Serverless: Load command plugin
Serverless: Load command plugin:install
Serverless: Load command plugin
Serverless: Load command plugin:uninstall
Serverless: Load command plugin
Serverless: Load command plugin:list
Serverless: Load command plugin
Serverless: Load command plugin:search
Serverless: Load command config
Serverless: Load command config:credentials
Serverless: Load command rollback
Serverless: Load command rollback:function
Serverless: Load command upgrade
Serverless: Load command uninstall
Serverless: Using serverless-localstack
Serverless: Warning: Unable to find plugin named: TypeScriptPlugin
Serverless: Load command deploy
Serverless: Load command login
Serverless: Load command logout
Serverless: Load command generate-event
Serverless: Load command test
Serverless: Load command dashboard
Serverless: Load command output
Serverless: Load command output:get
Serverless: Load command output:list
Serverless: Load command param
Serverless: Load command param:get
Serverless: Load command param:list
Serverless: Load command studio
Serverless: Invoke deploy
Serverless: Invoke package
Serverless: Invoke aws:common:validate
Serverless: Invoke aws:common:cleanupTempDir
Serverless: Compiling with Typescript...
Serverless: Typescript compiled.
Serverless: Packaging service...
Serverless: Excluding development dependencies...
Serverless: Invoke aws:package:finalize
AWS Pseudo Parameters
Skipping automatic replacement of regions with account region!
AWS Pseudo Parameter: Resources::IamRoleLambdaExecution::Properties::Policies::0::PolicyDocument::Statement::2::Resource::0 Replaced AWS::Region with ${AWS::Region}
AWS Pseudo Parameter: Resources::IamRoleLambdaExecution::Properties::Policies::0::PolicyDocument::Statement::2::Resource::0 Replaced AWS::AccountId with ${AWS::AccountId}
AWS Pseudo Parameter: Resources::IamRoleLambdaExecution::Properties::Policies::0::PolicyDocument::Statement::2::Resource::1 Replaced AWS::Region with ${AWS::Region}
AWS Pseudo Parameter: Resources::IamRoleLambdaExecution::Properties::Policies::0::PolicyDocument::Statement::2::Resource::1 Replaced AWS::AccountId with ${AWS::AccountId}
AWS Pseudo Parameter: Resources::IamRoleLambdaExecution::Properties::Policies::0::PolicyDocument::Statement::3::Resource Replaced AWS::Region with ${AWS::Region}
AWS Pseudo Parameter: Resources::IamRoleLambdaExecution::Properties::Policies::0::PolicyDocument::Statement::3::Resource Replaced AWS::AccountId with ${AWS::AccountId}
Serverless: Invoke aws:common:moveArtifactsToPackage
Serverless: Invoke aws:common:validate
Serverless: Invoke aws:deploy:deploy
Serverless: [AWS cloudformation 400 0.021s 0 retries] describeStacks({ StackName: 'message-queue-function-local' })
Serverless: Creating Stack...
Serverless: [AWS cloudformation 400 0.092s 0 retries] createStack({
  StackName: 'message-queue-function-local',
  OnFailure: 'DELETE',
  Capabilities: [ 'CAPABILITY_IAM', 'CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM', [length]: 2 ],
  Parameters: [ [length]: 0 ],
  TemplateBody: '{"AWSTemplateFormatVersion":"2010-09-09","Description":"The AWS CloudFormation template for this Serverless application","Resources":{"ServerlessDeploymentBucket":{"Type":"AWS::S3::Bucket","Properties":{"BucketEncryption":{"ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration":[{"ServerSideEncryptionByDefault":{"SSEAlgorithm":"AES256"}}]}}},"ServerlessDeploymentBucketPolicy":{"Type":"AWS::S3::BucketPolicy","Properties":{"Bucket":{"Ref":"ServerlessDeploymentBucket"},"PolicyDocument":{"Statement":[{"Action":"s3:*","Effect":"Deny","Principal":"*","Resource":[{"Fn::Join":["",["arn:",{"Ref":"AWS::Partition"},":s3:::",{"Ref":"ServerlessDeploymentBucket"},"/*"]]},{"Fn::Join":["",["arn:",{"Ref":"AWS::Partition"},":s3:::",{"Ref":"ServerlessDeploymentBucket"}]]}],"Condition":{"Bool":{"aws:SecureTransport":false}}}]}}}},"Outputs":{"ServerlessDeploymentBucketName":{"Value":{"Ref":"ServerlessDeploymentBucket"}}}}',
  Tags: [ { Key: 'STAGE', Value: 'local' }, [length]: 1 ]
  Serverless Error ---------------------------------------
  ServerlessError: Unable to create stack "message-queue-function-local": An error occurred (InvalidBucketName) when calling the CreateBucket operation: The specified bucket is not valid.
      at /home/cristian/Desktop/Dev/lambda/modularOnboarding/Generics/Message-Queue-Function/node_modules/serverless/lib/plugins/aws/provider/awsProvider.js:1314:27
      at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
  Get Support --------------------------------------------
  Your Environment Information ---------------------------
     Operating System:          linux
     Node Version:              12.18.1
     Framework Version:         2.14.0 (standalone)
     Plugin Version:            4.1.2
     SDK Version:               2.3.2
     Components Version:        3.4.2

Below is the serverless.yml config(obfuscated account details like security group ids):

service: message-queue-function

  - serverless-pseudo-parameters
  - serverless-localstack
  - serverless-plugin-typescript
      # list of stages for which the plugin should be enabled
      - local
    host: http://localhost  # optional - LocalStack host to connect to
    edgePort: 4566  # optional - LocalStack edge port to connect to
    autostart: true  # optional - Start LocalStack in Docker on Serverless deploy
      # Enable this flag to improve performance
      mountCode: False
      # Enable this flag to run "docker ..." commands as sudo
      sudo: False
  setStage: ${opt:stage, self:provider.stage}
    prod: 'sg'
    dev: 'sg'
    local: 'sg'
    prod: 'subnet'
    dev: 'subnet'
    local: 'subnet'
      local: 'local'
      dev: 'test'
      prod: 'prod'
      local: 'LOCALHOST'
      dev: 'TEST'
      prod: 'PRODUCTION'
      local: '../../../utils'
      dev: './utils'
      prod: './utils'

  name: aws
  stage: local # Default stage if one wasn't passed via command line
    # use the ENV value set in the 'custom' section above
    ENV: ${self:custom.setEnvironment.ENV.${self:custom.setStage}}
    SERVER: ${self:custom.setEnvironment.SERVER.${self:custom.setStage}}
    UTILS_PATH: ${self:custom.setEnvironment.UTILS.${self:custom.setStage}}
  runtime: nodejs12.x
  versionFunctions: false
  region: us-east-2
      - ${self:custom.setSecurityGroup.${self:custom.setStage}}
      - ${self:custom.setSubnet.${self:custom.setStage}}

    - Effect: 'Allow'
      Action: 'ssm:GetParameters'
        - 'arn:aws:ssm:#{AWS::Region}:#{AWS::AccountId}:parameter/SLACK_*'
        - 'arn:aws:ssm:#{AWS::Region}:#{AWS::AccountId}:parameter/DB_*'
    - Effect: 'Allow'
      Action: 'kms:Decrypt'
        - 'arn:aws:kms:#{AWS::Region}:#{AWS::AccountId}:key/ace909b7-e527-491c-a92a-5e9c679ac9be'
    - Effect: 'Allow'
      Action: 's3:*'
        - '*'
    handler: message.sendMessage
    	# Provide the ARN of your previously established queue
      - sqs:
            Fn::ImportValue: MessageQueueArn

And the pertinent docker-compose.yml config for my localstack looks like below:

    image: localstack/localstack
    container_name: localstack_dev
      - "4566-4597:4566-4597"
      - "8080:8080"
      - SERVICES=sns,sqs,s3,cloudformation,cloudwatch,logs,iam,lambda
      - PORT_WEB_UI=8080
      - DEBUG=1
      - DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-2
      - DOCKER_HOST=unix:///var/run/docker.sock
      - "${TMPDIR:-/tmp/localstack}:/tmp/localstack"
      - "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"

Please can someone assist in resolving this, it has to be something I am not seeing. If I re-run the deploy after the above initial error I recieve a different error:

Serverless: Running "serverless" installed locally (in service node_modules)
Serverless: Deprecation warning: Detected ".env" files. Note that Framework now supports loading variables from those files when "useDotenv: true" is set (and that will be the default from next major release)
            More Info:
Serverless: To ensure safe major version upgrades ensure "frameworkVersion" setting in service configuration (recommended setup: "frameworkVersion: ^2.15.0")

Serverless: Load command interactiveCli
Serverless: Load command config
Serverless: Load command config:credentials
Serverless: Load command config:tabcompletion
Serverless: Load command config:tabcompletion:install
Serverless: Load command config:tabcompletion:uninstall
Serverless: Load command create
Serverless: Load command install
Serverless: Load command package
Serverless: Load command deploy
Serverless: Load command deploy:function
Serverless: Load command deploy:list
Serverless: Load command deploy:list:functions
Serverless: Load command invoke
Serverless: Load command invoke:local
Serverless: Load command info
Serverless: Load command logs
Serverless: Load command metrics
Serverless: Load command print
Serverless: Load command remove
Serverless: Load command rollback
Serverless: Load command rollback:function
Serverless: Load command slstats
Serverless: Load command plugin
Serverless: Load command plugin
Serverless: Load command plugin:install
Serverless: Load command plugin
Serverless: Load command plugin:uninstall
Serverless: Load command plugin
Serverless: Load command plugin:list
Serverless: Load command plugin
Serverless: Load command plugin:search
Serverless: Load command config
Serverless: Load command config:credentials
Serverless: Load command rollback
Serverless: Load command rollback:function
Serverless: Load command upgrade
Serverless: Load command uninstall
Serverless: Using serverless-localstack
Serverless: Warning: Unable to find plugin named: TypeScriptPlugin
Serverless: Load command deploy
Serverless: Load command login
Serverless: Load command logout
Serverless: Load command generate-event
Serverless: Load command test
Serverless: Load command dashboard
Serverless: Load command output
Serverless: Load command output:get
Serverless: Load command output:list
Serverless: Load command param
Serverless: Load command param:get
Serverless: Load command param:list
Serverless: Load command studio
Serverless: Invoke deploy
Serverless: Invoke package
Serverless: Invoke aws:common:validate
Serverless: Invoke aws:common:cleanupTempDir
Serverless: Compiling with Typescript...
Serverless: Typescript compiled.
Serverless: Packaging service...
Serverless: Excluding development dependencies...
Serverless: Invoke aws:package:finalize
AWS Pseudo Parameters
Skipping automatic replacement of regions with account region!
AWS Pseudo Parameter: Resources::IamRoleLambdaExecution::Properties::Policies::0::PolicyDocument::Statement::2::Resource::0 Replaced AWS::Region with ${AWS::Region}
AWS Pseudo Parameter: Resources::IamRoleLambdaExecution::Properties::Policies::0::PolicyDocument::Statement::2::Resource::0 Replaced AWS::AccountId with ${AWS::AccountId}
AWS Pseudo Parameter: Resources::IamRoleLambdaExecution::Properties::Policies::0::PolicyDocument::Statement::2::Resource::1 Replaced AWS::Region with ${AWS::Region}
AWS Pseudo Parameter: Resources::IamRoleLambdaExecution::Properties::Policies::0::PolicyDocument::Statement::2::Resource::1 Replaced AWS::AccountId with ${AWS::AccountId}
AWS Pseudo Parameter: Resources::IamRoleLambdaExecution::Properties::Policies::0::PolicyDocument::Statement::3::Resource Replaced AWS::Region with ${AWS::Region}
AWS Pseudo Parameter: Resources::IamRoleLambdaExecution::Properties::Policies::0::PolicyDocument::Statement::3::Resource Replaced AWS::AccountId with ${AWS::AccountId}
Serverless: Invoke aws:common:moveArtifactsToPackage
Serverless: Invoke aws:common:validate
Serverless: Invoke aws:deploy:deploy
Serverless: [AWS cloudformation 200 0.047s 0 retries] describeStacks({ StackName: 'message-queue-function-local' })
Serverless: [AWS cloudformation 200 0.012s 0 retries] describeStackResource({
  StackName: 'message-queue-function-local',
  LogicalResourceId: 'ServerlessDeploymentBucket'
Serverless: [AWS s3 undefined 0.004s 0 retries] listObjectsV2({ Bucket: '', Prefix: 'serverless/message-queue-function/local' })
  Serverless Error ---------------------------------------
  ServerlessError: Expected uri parameter to have length >= 1, but found "" for params.Bucket
      at /home/cristian/Desktop/Dev/lambda/modularOnboarding/Generics/Message-Queue-Function/node_modules/serverless/lib/plugins/aws/provider/awsProvider.js:1314:27
      at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
  Get Support --------------------------------------------
  Your Environment Information ---------------------------
     Operating System:          linux
     Node Version:              12.18.1
     Framework Version:         2.14.0 (standalone)
     Plugin Version:            4.1.2
     SDK Version:               2.3.2
     Components Version:        3.4.2

Update I started with a really simple sls config and modified localstack config and finally got it resolved.

What was the issue? I am asking as I am getting the same error.

1 Like

I am having the same problem. What do you mean by “and modified localstack config”? i cant get to solve this problem and i need to deploy my functions

Same problem for me :frowning: Anyone found the solution?

I’m had the same problem. I changed the name of service in serverless.yml. The name was “teste-serverless-local”. I changed it to “teste” and works for me. I think if you change the name to a short name maybe will work