With serverless definitions as TS instead of YAML, I’m trying to compute the API Gateway generated URL:
custom: {
apiGatewayEndpoint: {
'Fn::Join': [
'${!Ref ApiGatewayRestApi}',
This fails with:
Cannot resolve variable at […] String value consist of variable which resolve with non-string value,
I tried using only strings in case there is a bug with the ts conversion:
custom: {
apiGatewayId: '!Ref ApiGatewayRestApi',
But serverless print
outputs this, which doesn’t look like a valid template.
apiGatewayId: '!Ref ApiGatewayRestApi'
apiGatewayEndpoint: https://!Ref ApiGatewayRestApi.execute-api.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/dev/app
What am I doing wrong?
Another question: Is the ApiGatewayRestApi variable available for httpApi events too?