Cannot recreate SNS topic using serverlss framework

I created SNS topic using the serverless framework,
handler: employee-claimtypes-max-amount/index.handler
- sns: mClaim

I ran the serverless deploy after adding the SNS topic details to the serverless.yml file.
it created the SNS topic
But when we run the serverless deploy again,
it gives and error saying "An error occurred: SNSTopicEmployeeclaimmaxamountmClaimT - employee-claim-max-amount-mClaimT already exists in stack arn:aws:cloudformation:ap-southeast-1:xxxxxxxxxxx:stack/balanceCalculator-dev/yyyyyyyyyyyy.

Can anybody let me know it is possible to redeploy the application .
If possible how can i achieve it.

Thank You

Does the SNS topic with that name already exist in your account?

You can use the framework to generate a new sns topic or you can re-use the arn of an existing one.

see for both example