Authorizers cache


I’m wondering if the property “resultTtlInSeconds” can be set as global in serverless.yml file.
Also as I see amazon allows to configure the property “Results ttl in seconds” inside the authorizers section in apigateway console but the function only appears one time although is being used in some endpoints (with custom authorizer) and this property seems to be global so I think it is not possible to set a value for every authenticated endpoint. Am I right?

    handler: functions/auth_handler.getCognitoIdentityIdForUser
        - http:
            path: ${self:custom.authPath}/identity
            method: get
              name: jwtAuthorizerAuth
              resultTtlInSeconds: 0
              identitySource: method.request.header.Authorization
              #identityValidationExpression: someRegex
            cors: ${self:custom.cors}
            integration: lambda

Yes. It appears to be the case for me as well. If that is so (yet to be confirmed) then the question is why the authorizer configuration set at endpoint level when it really should be at api level.

I’m running into this same situation. Is there a way to do this globally? I don’t see an answer in the docs to add resultTtlInSeconds to the authorizer function, just the expanded object per method.

I did this with custom variables and apply it to all event methods.

  resultTtlInSeconds: 0

    handler: functions/auth_handler.getCognitoIdentityIdForUser
        - http:
            path: ${self:custom.authPath}/identity
            method: get
              name: jwtAuthorizerAuth
              resultTtlInSeconds: ${self:custom.resultTtlInSeconds}

Same issue here. I have a custom authorizer defined, with a cache setting of 3600 seconds in API Gateway. Do I also need to specify the resultTtlInSeconds for every serverless function that uses that authorizer?

You can override the authorizer resource that gets created for your authorizer function:

  Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Authorizer
    AuthorizerResultTtlInSeconds: 0

See the docs for how to Override AWS CloudFormation Resource.