API Gateway Resource Policy

Amazon just introduced API Gateway Resource Policy
This is fine for static authorizers eg ip whitelistings.

eg : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/apigateway-resource-policies-examples.html

How to apply this with serverless.yml

Thanks to post this update.

My understand is, serverless framework only takes care of lambda iam role and its policy in block of provider -> iamRoleStatements

If you need manage IAM role to API Gateway, you can directly copy/paste the sample codes from your URLs to Resources block, as normal cloudformation json/yaml codes.

Just to save people a few clicks.

At present cloudformation does not support apigateway resource policies.

The following issue has been created on serverless - you could subscribe to this to be notified when cloudformation supports it so someone is able to implement it in serverless.

While the CF support is being developed is their a recommend way of implementing a resource policy after Serverless deploy has been executed?