API Gateway + Lambda supporting TLSv1.0?

I’m trying to deploy a simple API Gateway + Lambda function to support a legacy client that only speaks HTTPS using TLSv1.0. It appears API Gateway is using TLSv1.2, and I can’t see any options to enable TLSv1.0 for this backwards compatibility use case. Is there any way to do this?
(unfortunately the client cannot be changed)
Thanks in advance…

Does https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/apigateway-custom-domain-tls-version.html help? It indicates TSLv1 is supported.

Thanks. Actually it appears this may not be the problem. The legacy app support team told me this was the issue, but I then connected to my API+lambda function with curl and forced tlsv1.0, and it worked just fine. So I suspect there’s some other problem … still investigating… :-/