How to add a list of dictionaries (using graphql) in the schema type of a serverless API deployment (using the artist-song examples_

I have a serverless structure using graphql as follows in

The skills list (changed from songs in the example) basically consists of the following types :
export default `
type Skill {
id: ID!
title: String
creator: Creator
description: String
descriptionLong: String
ytId: String
categoryId: String
learner: Learner

type Query {
skills: [Skill]
skill(id: ID!): Skill

type Mutation {
title: String!
creator: String!
description: String!
descriptionLong: String!
ytId: String!
categoryId: String!
): Skill
id: ID!
title: String
creator: String
description: String
descriptionLong: String
ytId: String
categoryId: String
learner: String
): Skill
id: ID!
): Skill

But my input file for the ‘skills’ actually looks more like this:

As seen, there is a list ‘video’ which consists of dictionaries of title and start stop times + titles, how can I get this into the schema, mutation and query, also what changes do I have to make to the skill.js file in the resolvers folder, skill.js in the types folder and skills.js in the dynamo folder, serverless.yml etc.

This is following the example from serverless GitHub - boazdejong/serverless-graphql-api: Serverless GraphQL API using Lambda and DynamoDB, bundled with webpack and follows the same strucure.

Any advice will be quite appreciated.

Serverless, graphql, backend n00b