Getting handle "accountId" in serverless config

@yankeeinlondon no worries. All part of learning. You won’t be able to use it in that part of the serverless.yml.

See this example

service: foo
provider: # Not CloudFormation
  name: aws
  iamRoleStatements: # You can use CloudFormation here

functions: #  Not CloudFormation
  Resources: # This section is CloudFormation
       Type: AWS::IAM::Role
           # something like this to build an ARN
             Fn::Sub: 'aws:ec2:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:xxxxx:xxx/*'

If you’re just using the AccountId from IAM you should be able to use it directly rather than through a custom property.

Hope that makes sense. P.S. it’s off the top of my head so there might be syntax issue but should be close :slight_smile: