Concatenate Websocket API name

Hi! I could get close to what I need with this code:

        'Fn::Join': [
              Ref: 'WebsocketsApi',
              Ref: 'AWS::URLSuffix',

But here I still have 2 vars hard coded (us-east-1 and /dev). I tried a lot to put them with no sucess.

Any advice on this? both of these vars I have on the yml as ${self:provider.region} ${self:provider.stage}. How can I concatenate them?


Just figured out that I was doing wrong… here is the correct code.

                          - ''
                          - - 'https://'
                            - !Ref "WebsocketsApi"
                            - ".execute-api."
                            - !Ref "AWS::Region"
                            - "."
                            - !Ref "AWS::URLSuffix"
                            - "/"
                            - ${self:provider.stage}