Override the Stack Description?

Hi all,

The Description for any stack deployed with the Serverless Framework is set to: “The AWS CloudFormation template for this Serverless application”

Is there a way to override this?

From the reference https://serverless.com/framework/docs/providers/aws/guide/serverless.yml/ it would seem there is no way to override this…


I haven’t tried this, but if you put a Description section in the serverless.yml's resources section it might override it - I know that the resources section is merged with the base template as part of a deploy.


FWIW I tried it and it works.

That works perfectly, thank you!

Just to help out on the actual sample definition this is how I got it to update the description.

version info

Framework Core: 1.78.1 (standalone)
Plugin: 3.7.0
SDK: 2.3.1
Components: 2.33.4

Serverless template

    Description: My nice description of the stack

This works and puts a description into the compiled update-stack JSON file, but not the create-stack JSON file. This feels like a bug.

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