Make stageVariables clear

There are two ways you can handle with this. Inside serverless.yml you’ll want to add a custom stage variable to make it easy to reference the stage you’re deploying to.

  stage: "${opt:stage, self:provider.stage}"

If you want single env file then create env.yml with a section for each stage and the environment variables below it. For example:

  MY_VAR: 'the dev value'

  MY_VAR: 'the prod value'

Then setup the environment variables inside your serverless.yml using

environment: ${file(env.yml):${self:custom.stage}}

If you want one file per env then create env-STAGE.yml (i.e. env-dev.yml, env-prod.yml, etc). Each file should look like:

MY_VAR: 'the value'

The setup the environment variables inside your serverless.yml so that it uses the correct file.

environment: ${file(env-${self:custom.stage}.yml)}

You’ll probably want to add your env file to the .gitignore.